This is the June/July 2020 issue of Armada International. This is not the latest issue. To read the current month’s issue of the magazine, please subscribe here:

Editorial Topics:
  • Commander’s Intent: Transforming the Royal Air Force: Air Marshal Andrew Turner explains to Andrew Drwiega how the RAF’s ASTRA proposal will be implemented.
  • Air Power: A New, Data Driven Big Stick: Are we approaching the last tranche of new manned attack helicopters? Report by Andrew Drwiega.
  • Air Power: Swedish Navy Trials Next Generation Torpedo: The Swedish Royal Navy conducts the first at sea test firings of a new torpedo for the Baltic Sea. Andrew Drwiega reports.
  • Land Warfare: C-UAS Strikes Back: Stephen W. Miller looks at the return of air defence to the battlefield, particularly to deal with the rise of UAVs.
  • Technology Focus: Triangulate to Accumulate: Thomas Withington details the advantages that NATO’s CESMO initiative promises to deliver.
  • Defence Insight: Winning the Fight With Data Analysis: Andrew White investigates how the exploitation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will benefit future SOF operations.
  • Armada Commentary: Defence Industry and Signals of the New Norm: Andrew Hunter talks about how COVID-19 is changing the defence industry.

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Issue of June/July 2020 (2395 downloads)
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