This is the December 2020/January 2021 issue of Armada International. This is not the latest issue. To read the current month’s issue of the magazine, please subscribe here:

Editorial Topics:
  • Commander’s Intent: Sweden’s Aerial Shield: Major General Carl-Johan Edström, Commander of the Swedish Air Force discusses current plans for the development of his command. David Oliver interviews.
  • Land Warfare: Competing Firepower: Stephen W. Miller examines the different weapons currently available from the international arms industry.
  • Air Power: Nowhere to Hide: Jon Lake traces the modernisation of targeting pods and reviews to today’s highly sophisticated systems.
  • Space Power: Space Defence Set for Meteoric Rise: As threats to space based operations increase, Space Commands are now being formed as part of national defence strategies. Andrew Drwiega reports.
  • Armada Commentary: Lifting Power Sustains Mali Mission: David Oliver reviews the French Operation Barkhane in Mali, looking particularly at the rotorcraft being used to support operations.

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Issue of December 2020 / January 2021 (1480 downloads)
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