This is the February/March 2021 issue of Armada International. This is not the latest issue. To read the current month’s issue of the magazine, please subscribe here:

Editorial Topics:
  • Commander’s Intent: Defining America’s Strategic Global Strike: General Timothy Ray, commander, Air Force Global Strike Command and his team talk exclusively to Mark Ayton about maintaining and improving America’s airborne global strike force.
  • Middle East Special: New Dimension to Gulf Defence Market: We examine the expanding GCC defence industry, including what the AbrahamAccords will mean for Israeli defence industry participation.
  • Air Power: And The Winner is…?: Three nations – Canada, Finland, and Switzerland – are nearing the selection of a new fighter. David Oliver assesses their options.
  • Air Power: Breaking A2D2 with Longe Range Fires: Range, range and more range. Stephen W Miller reviews how long range fires can help in the penetration of A2AD defences.
  • Sea Power: European Shipyards Build Individual and Collective Capability: Dr Lee Willett examines how naval shipyards are combining their strengths or specialising in set capabilities.
  • Technology Focus: One Beam Hits All?: Thomas Withington asks whether it is possible for one radar to detect a full range of battlefield threats.
  • Armada Commentary: Warship Design: Is Green the new Blue?: Guest analyst Alix Valenti investigates the potential ‘greening’ of warships.

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Issue - February/March 2021 (1788 downloads)
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