This is the June/July 2021 issue of Armada International. This is the latest issue. To read other issues of the magazine, please subscribe here:

Editorial Topics:
  • Commander’s Intent: Stealthy Sub-Surface Data Gatherers: Captain Herman de Groot, the outgoing Commander of the RNLN Submarine Service talks to Dr. Lee Willett about the changing role of the Royal Netherland’s Navy’s submarines.
  • Special Ops: Clear Communications In The Shadows: Andrew White reviews the requirements needed by special forces for software defined radios.
  • Air Power: FLRAA and FARA – Procurement With A Difference: Andrew Drwiega provides an update on the progress of the US Army’s FLRAA and FARA Future Vertical Lift programmes.
  • Supplement: Armada’s annual review the latest unmanned aerial vehicles as well as features on loyal wingmen/swarming, maritime UAS and future developments. Compiled by David Oliver.
  • UAV Future: Sky High Future: David Oliver tracks the course of the latest unmanned aerial vehicle developments.
  • Airborne Weapons: Airborne Deception: Martin Streetly homes in on the latest developments in the world of airborne countermeasures.
  • Sea Power: Navy’s Navplan Integration in a Contested Sea: The US Navy has a plan to provide its ships with the power of information dominance in the age of Great Power competition. Dr. Lee Willett reports.
  • Land Power: C-UAS – Solving the Detection Problem: Having looked at all forms of UAVs, Stephen W. Miller now looks at how they can be countered.
  • Armada Commentary: UK Should Surf Europe’s Wideband Wave: Dr. Thomas Withington argues that the UK should join the ESSOR programme.

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Issue - June/July 2021 (1337 downloads)
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