Silvus Technologies, Inc. and R4 Integration, Inc. announced the launch of the Roll On/Roll Off (“RO/RO”) Mobile Network-MIMO Airborne Communications hatch-mount kit for C-130s, the first tactical MIMO radio hatch mount on the market.
DoD and FAA certified for MC 130H and MC 130J variants, the RO/RO hatch-mount kit is a turnkey, cost efficient in-route communications package supporting the Special Operations community. The unique stand-alone solution requires no modification to the aircraft and can be quickly re-deployed from one aircraft to another depending on mission requirements.
At the heart of the package is Silvus’ StreamCaster 4400 Enhanced Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) radio. With 20 Watts of native transmit power (80 Watts effective thanks to a 6-decibel signal boost from Silvus’ proprietary Transmit Eigen Beamforming), the system is capable of establishing air-to-air and air-to-ground datalinks at distances well beyond 100 miles. The system supports dual S and C bands without swapping hardware and includes Spectrum Dominance waveform enhancements to provide users with interference avoidance, interference cancellation, spectrum analysis, and LPI/LPD capabilities.

“Working closely with the industry’s leading technology solution providers and side-by-side with the warfighter, R4 has quickly developed, integrated, and fielded the Silvus SC4400E MANET radio into an Ultra Lightweight Roll-On/Roll-Off C-130 Solution that met and exceeded customer expectations,” said John Parsley, President of R4 Integration, Inc. “This close collaboration and working relationship with key stakeholders has allowed us to rapidly increase the warfighters’ communications-on-the-move capability and demonstrate a proven, battle-ready solution.”
The Roll On/Roll Off (RO/RO) Mobile Network-MIMO Airborne Communications hatch-mount kit is now available. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit Silvus Technologies Booth 1453 at SOFIC.