Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) have undeniable potential on the battlefield, but matching design to customer expectation is not necessarily an easy obstacle to overcome.
Deploying unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) on the battlefield is receiving increasing attention by militaries worldwide. Although not as mature nor as widely fielded as their airborne counterparts, UGVs have the potential to offer many benefits in executing missions on the ground. However, UGVs face challenges that include technical, operational, logistical and maintenance issues. Although there is general agreement among UGV developers that most of these are either already being solved or, at least, are seeing progress, these developers concur that perhaps the most difficult questions relate to how to control, support, and integrate UGVs with existing ground forces. These reflect issues that must be largely resolved by the military users themselves.
One of the issues facing UGV developers is that there is often a gap between client expectations regarding what they anticipate the UGV should be able to accomplish, and what is currently possible. This is largely the result of the lack of hands-on practical operational exposure and the limited experience of UGVs in field use. Raul Rikk, Science and Development director at Milrem Robotics, a leading UGV developer in Estonia and recently acquired by the UAE’s EDGE Group, said that this knowledge gap is understandable and “parallels that experienced in the commercial introduction of the electric vehicle.” It is common that users may attempt to employ a new system like a UGV in the same manner as they do with other types of equipment, which may not reflect the new capabilities offered by the UGV. Thus, it could be either under utilised to its potential or be asked to perform beyond its capacity. Both situations result in a potentially false appreciation of what the UGV can contribute operationally.
Risk Reduction
The rationale most often stated by both developers and end users for developing and fielding UGVs is “to provide a system that can execute tasks thereby reducing the risk to the human soldier”. This was and remains the principle behind the earliest military UGVs, those designed and employed in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). Yet this factor is increasingly being surmounted by additional fielding drivers. These include their capacity to carry substantial loads on a platform that can travel over difficult terrain and even accompanying infantry. This role parallels that of the pack mule in the past. Another is providing a mobile platform for weapons and sensors, replacing what previously required an often-large team of soldiers. Their capacity to carry heavier weapons, ammunition and equipment is also valuable to infantry units typically from platoons to companies (perhaps modern cousins of the ubiquitous manned Universal Carrier of World War Two fame). In these roles, the UGV augments the existing organisations and equipment.
Increasingly, however, the UGV is being viewed by some as a candidate to replace human soldiers! This is particularly attractive to militaries facing manning concerns. Here the UGV may allow for manpower reductions and economic savings by substituting machines to maintain operational capabilities. The technical demands, organisational impacts, and operational implications of each approach can be quite different.

Having a single platform able to accomplish a wide range of tasks and applications would be ideal, simplifying training, maintenance, and support. However, as Sara Willett, program director Land Systems at Textron Systems explained: “The mission requirements as defined by the users directly influence the payload. This, together with mobility/transportability parameters drives the platform configuration. The objective is to strike a suitable balance.” Textron’s UGVs use a common core platform that adapts to various mission modules to achieve this. The classification of UGVs by payload weight capacity is becoming typical in various programmes. Rheinmetall, according to Alain Tremblay, vice president for Business Development and Innovation at Rheinmetall Canada, is coalescing toward its Mission Master CXT which offers a demonstrated high mobility, including amphibious, for a range of modular mission packages. They have found wheeled configurations often with ‘over-size’ adaptable tires to offer both lower maintenance and enhanced mobility including swimming. In addition, Rheinmetall “has successfully demonstrated up to 31 miles per hour (50 kilometres per hour) road speeds (with a goal of around 44mph – 70+kmph) reaching levels allowing practical road-march self-deployment.”
Hybrid Power
A consensus appears to be forming that hybrid power is the most appropriate approach for powering UGVs which require operations of extended duration. All-electric, though suitable for smaller UGVs, does not yet have sufficient battery life. The diesel-electric hybrid offers extended ranges, ‘silent’ running (when necessary), self-charging and available exportable power possibilities. Practical battlefield uses in tactical scenarios, versus a base support role, dictates a degree of self-sufficiency in a UGV so as to not present a logistics support burden on the host unit. This reflects not only extended ranges but also the system’s totally independent operational mission time. The latter could include not only traveling but also time in static positions while still operating at full capability, such as conducting surveillance.
It is in the control of the UGV that the greatest advances have been made but also where significant additional efforts are being focused. A relevant key question is how much autonomy is needed in the UGV? Sten Allik, Milrem Robotics Concept Development and Experimentation director explained: “The degree of autonomy necessary is partly a function of the UGV’s intended use. Is it in tactical close support or a more independent operational role? A balance needs to be struck between man and machine with a focus on accomplishing simple tasks. Thus, it is necessary to consider the minimal level of autonomy needed to accomplish the task or provide new effects on the battlefield. This ‘adapted autonomy’ recognises it is not necessary to have highest level of autonomy in the majority of tasks.” The degree of functionality and practical capability of the UGV on the battlefield and in military roles is more than the vehicle itself and is primarily a software development effort.
The level of independent control is also a function of the environment in which the unmanned system will be required to operate. For example, autonomous driving vehicles are already successfully demonstrated. Current autonomous vehicles, however, as Rheinmetall’s Tremblay explained, “operate most efficiently along routes that are well defined with recognisable edges and consistent travel paths and roadways.” Within such parameters, autonomously operated vehicles are fully capable of reliably performing largely independent travel across extended distances. Logistics convoys using driverless vehicles are a practical possibility today and have been demonstrated by Rheinmetall, Oshkosh Defense, and the US Army which has logged over 2,000 hours of unmanned travel in its Expedient Leader Follower programme. The German, British, and Australian militaries are also aggressively pursuing similar initiatives. The military is further seeking to capitalise on commercial developments such as the US Army’s $49.9 million contract with Kodiak Robotics, a California autonomous truck startup with an established record, to develop “autonomous vehicle technology to navigate complex terrain, diverse operational conditions, and GPS-challenged environments”. Kodiak is to deliver on the contract in 2024.
UGV Candidates
The potential promise of the UGV has driven not only their investigation by world militaries, but has also induced a number of companies to fund research and development. This has resulted in industry in some cases getting ahead of the military end users in projecting capabilities rather than responding to formal issued requirements. Milrem’s Rikk, explained that based on their experience “The traditional military development and acquisition process has shown difficulty providing a process able to address the possibilities presented by unmanned system concepts.” As a result, many of the industry designs have absorbed lessons from earlier experience, thus offering evolved configurations reflecting both responses to identified field challenges and incorporating technology advances. These industry initiatives have offered up a range of state-of-the-art UGVs.
Rheinmetall Mission Master
Rheinmetall’s Mission Master is a family of Autonomous-UGVs (A-UGV) using modular configurations for logistical battlefield support. The Mission Master SP model has a low-profile, quiet electric motor and eight-wheels suited to its small unit support role. The latest Mission Master CXT will tackle the most extreme terrain and conditions with over-size adaptable tires adjusting pressure on demand, diesel-electric hybrid power, amphibious capability, 2,200 pounds (1000 kilograms) payload, and 280 miles (450 kilometres) range (including 31 miles / 50km on electric only). In addition, it offers the similarly capable diesel-powered Mission Master XT A-UGV traveling 466 miles (750km) without refuelling, The XT can optionally be operated by a soldier onboard. Rheinmetall UGVs use a common Rheinmetall PATH autonomy kit (A-kit) that provides a wide range of advanced controlled modes, such as a smart Rheinmetall tablet enabling safe firing as well as an ATAK-compatible soldier system. It also offers many teleoperation options including a smartwatch and single-hand controller to meet the operational objectives of multiple scenarios. These enable follow-me, convoy, and autonomous navigation modes. Mission Master has been acquired by militaries including the British Army and a number of European armies. In May 2023, it was announced that the US Marine Corps would be trailing Mission Master in both Exercise Talisman Sabre in July-August 2023 in Australia and conducting autonomous convoying in October at its combat centre in Twenty-nine Palms, California.

Milrem Robotics in Estonia has been one of the pioneers in UGVs with its multi-mission capable THeMIS being widely introduced. Presently 16 counties use its UGVs, eight of which are NATO militaries: Estonia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Using a tracked chassis with hybrid diesel-electric power the system can move at 12.5mph (20km/h) operating up to 15 hours with 1.5 hours using electric power only. THeMIS is optimised toward filling tasks in close support of dismounted operations. As such, Milrem has designed variants to carry cargo and supplies for small units, a mortar carrier, and Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) while also demonstrating its possibilities as a heavy machine-gun and/or reconnaissance sensor platform. Wireless tele-operated control is possible to around one mile (1.5km) line-of-sight, while waypoint navigation allows a pre-programmed route without human intervention. Raul Rikki shared that “a key objective in the design and development of THeMIS and our other UGVs is assuring the system is an asset for the user and not a burden.”
Textron Systems previous unmanned experience has covered air and maritime platforms. This is now extended with the addition of its Howe & Howe subsidiary, and the team’s extensive collaboration on its M5 and M3 vehicles. Willett explained that “common principles and software can be applied across unmanned systems for all three environments which offers advantages. However, the ground application is the most challenging.” RIPSAW uses a common core platform approach which can be adapted to various modules. Willet suggested that “the actual configuration that a UGV will take is largely driven by the payload that the mission role demands.” Accommodating these requirements Textron Systems’ M5 vehicle, in its fifth generation, provides a 10.6-tonne combat weight platform for mission loads up to 8,000lb (3,636kg). Defined as a Multi-Domain Mission platform, it has been equipped for route clearance and breeching, as a reconnaissance surveillance and target acquisition (RSTA) system, and as a weapon platform with up to a medium caliber turret. In 2022, Textron debuted its RIPSAW M3 technology demonstrator striking a balance for lower mission load needs. Drawing both lessons and some components from the M5 vehicle, the M3 vehicle focuses on transportability with a size/weight that can be carried internally in the Boeing CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter. M3 also has a 30+mph (48+km/h) top speed and is designed to swim (the only other UGV with the exception of Mission Master with that ability).

Poland is aggressively exploring UGV development with the consortium of local companies Tarnow Mechanical Works (Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów; ZMT) together with the Warsaw’s Military University of Technology and STEKOP independently developing the Perun, an autonomous four-wheeled robotic system. Intended to conduct reconnaissance and advanced security it is electrically powered with 10 hours of silent operation. The system weight is up to 1,980lb (900kg), and it has been demonstrated with a RSTA package and a medium machine-gun remote station. It can be controlled remotely by one soldier with a maximum control range of just over three miles (5km) with a stationary unit.
South Korean company Hanwha Defense’s Intelligent, Multi-Purpose Unmanned Ground Vehicle (I-MPUGV) has been conducting operations with the 5th Infantry Division of the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA) since October 2021. A two tonne, six-wheel, artificial-intelligence (AI)-enabled vehicle includes a locally developed remote-controlled weapon system (RCWS). It is designed to provide infantry support, the transportation of supplies and ammunition, reconnaissance and surveillance, casualty evacuation, and close combat support. South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) shared that the new vehicle has a road speed of around 25mph (40km/h) and cross-country speed of 12.5mp/h (20kmh) with a range of 62 miles (100km) on a single electric charge. It has a payload capacity of 1,100lb (500kg).

UGV Employment
The UGV offers capabilities that have few existing parallels regarding how they might be best employed. Real-world experience, for example, with the General Dynamics Land Systems Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (S-MET) which entered production for the US Army in 2020 has resulted in a rethink of even this seemingly straight forward logistics support role. As a result, requirements issued for the follow-on acquisition of S-MET Increment 2 reflect key changes from the original Request for Proposal (RfP). This illustrates the depth of the learning curve faced in determining how to best employ UGVs. Though they may appear like other vehicles their unique potential value will be significantly diminished, if not largely negated, should they be utilised tactically in the same manner.
Armies aspiring to gain advantage in fielding UGVs are attempting to determine how to best use them. The US Army conducted operational experiments for light and medium Remote Combat Vehicles from June to August 2022 at Ft. Hood, Texas to gain insights into their battlefield use. The British Army has been undertaking its own experiments with its Armoured Trials and Development Unit (ATDU) completing ‘heavy UGV’ trials in March 2023. With the British commitment toward fielding unmanned systems into a battalion group by 2024 there is some urgency in these efforts. The UGV can be utilised in a manner similar to other supporting weapons though with greater inherent mobility and enhanced carry capacity. Another employment option is the ‘tactical wingman’ approach which teams a manned and unmanned system. Unmanned systems also may allow for a single manned control system to remotely operate multiple unmanned systems.
The challenges faced extend beyond the tactical realm. A key concern, particularly for light units, remains how to maintain and provide support for UGVs particularly when deployed with light units. By their nature, these units are not organised with assets to support vehicles. Even simply transporting UGVs from rear areas to where they will be used tactically requires consideration and dedicated assets.
Unmanned Opportunties
The emphasis currently placed on developing the UGV in kinetic combat roles, with both its technical and procedural issues, maybe having an unfortunate effect of drawing attention from the more straight forward yet equally valuable applications. It should be recognised that obtaining field use clearance of weaponised UGVs can be a lengthy process. Other options for unmanned ground platforms may include combat breeching, assault bridging and mine-clearance, CBRNE detection or their use as rapidly displaceable platforms for radar, signal, and EW systems. In addition, the UGV is ideally suited for better accommodating the loads light infantry, supporting arms and fire support/observer teams. Incorporating UGVs would enhance their mobility and sustainability while reducing team/crew size. Though possibly seemingly less exciting than direct combat systems, these could be readily fielded offering immediate capabilities with minimal development risk while offering hand-on exposure to potential UGV fielding issues.
The military that identifies that right combination of unmanned (likely including integration of ground UGV and airborne UAV capabilities) and manned, with an appropriate structure and operational concepts, will likely set the standard for the next evolution of the battlefield.
by Stephen W. Miller