Viasat Unveils SWH
In late July Viasat announced the introduction of its Secure Wireless Hub (SWH). A company press release revealed that the SWH is a wearable, tactical gateway for use by dismounted troops. The Secure Wireless Hub has been developed as part of a “multi-phase effort” involving the US Special Operations Command. This effort is identifying and developing advanced communications for mobile ground forces. One of the capabilities offered by the SWH is a secure virtual private network “allowing the use of multiple transports and waveforms across a range of devices to provide resilient connectivity and safely share critical battlefield information” the press release noted. The Secure Wireless Hub lets users connect with cellular and wi-fi/bluetooth services. Viasat told Armada in a written statement that the SWH is “a modular system that was designed specifically to integrate Type-1 encryption handheld tactical radios and connects to non-Type-1 MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Networking) and other IP (Internet Protocol) based radios.” The company said that “a single management app on an end user device easily configures peripheral devices.” Moreover, “LTE (Long Term Evolution) and wi-fi/bluetooth modules that can be added, or removed, based on the user’s needs.” Regarding ongoing developments “the SWH was designed to meet the needs of special operations forces and is currently being evaluated by both conventional and unconventional units.” The Secure Wireless Hub “is completing a series of user evaluations and is currently being targeted for procurement availability by the end of the calendar year.”
More T Node details
In Armada’s August Military Communications Newsletter we included an article on a new transportable fifth-generation cellular communications node equipping the US Air Force called T Node. This capability has been developed by two companies; SEMPRE and Instant Connect. Instant Connect has provided us with some additional details regarding its contribution to T Node. In a written statement, the company said it is providing an Internet Protocol (IP) platform notably mobile and desktop software applications providing “interoperable push-to-talk” communications over SEMPRE’s network. The software also provides “seamless integration with other voice systems like radios and PBXs (Private Branch Exchanges) with everything running over the 5G network.” Instant Connect’s IP platform “links warfighters, commanders and base operations in a single integrated, transportable voice environment allowing users of radios, smart phones, tablets, computers, and other devices to communicate and achieve the mission.” In addition, Instant Connect’s software “provides a voice overlay to the popular ATAK (Android Team Awareness Kit). This lets users leverage ATAK and voice communications simultaneously from the same interface, without having to switch screens or use other devices.” Communications/transmission security protocols offered by the IP platform include FIPS 140-2 and AES-256.
by Dr. Thomas Withington