The Hellenic Navy’s Meko 200 Hydra-class frigate HS Spetsai conducts maritime security patrols around offshore resource platforms in the Mediterranean Sea, while supporting NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian in December 2020.

NATO’s Emerging Maritime Threats

Vice Admiral Keith Blount, NATO’s Commander Allied Maritime Command discusses the range of emerging and traditional threats and risks now pressurising the alliance’s maritime...

Babcock JV Acquisition Strengthens Strategic Position Down Under

The Babcock International Group has announced that it will acquire the remaining 50 percent interest in its Australian Naval Ship Management (NSM) joint venture...

FDI Keel Laying

On 16 December, Naval Group laid the keel of the first defence and intervention frigate (Frégates de Défense et d’Intervention - FDI) ordered by...

First sea trials for the Oostende, the first mine countermeasures vessel in the Belgian-Dutch...

The Oostende, the first of the series of mine countermeasures vessels in the Belgian-Dutch rMCM programme, intended for the Belgian Navy, began its first...

UK MoD contracts SEA for continued Royal Navy surface ship combat system support

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded defence mission solutions company SEA a five-year contract to provide in-service combat system support, focused on...
A French Navy (FN) Rafale fighter aircraft

US, French navies meet for second bilateral strategic dialogue

The US Navy (USN) and the French Navy (FN) have conducted their second annual bilateral strategic dialogue, the USN has announced. In a meeting held...
The Italian Navy

NATO SNFs conduct combined Mediterranean training, reflecting alliance focus on FONOPS

NATO’s two Mediterranean-focused standing naval forces (SNFs) have conducted combined training in the region, with such training demonstrating the groups’ collective roles in supporting...
A rigid-hull inflatable boat (RHIB) deployed from the Italian Navy frigate

EUNAVFOR, USN conduct first combined naval exercise

The European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) and the US Navy (USN) conducted their first combined naval exercise, both forces reported in late March. In a...
USS Canberra

USN commissions LCS USS Canberra in Australia

The US Navy (USN) commissioned the Independence-class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) USS Canberra (LCS 30) at the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN’s) Fleet Base East,...
Photo: Courtesy of Dutch MoD

Exail To Equip Dutch And Belgian Navies’ Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigates

Exail has signed a contract with RH Marine NETHERLANDS B.V to provide advanced inertial navigation systems and data distribution units for the Royal Netherlands and Belgian Navies’ Anti-Submarine...

Highlight of the Month