Who Goes There?

Identifying friends and enemies is a problem as old as warfare itself. The risk of inadvertently attacking one’s own side is an ever-present danger...

Space on Budget

Reducing launch and spacecraft costs could enable more countries to affordably develop military communications satellites. Space Costs & Spendings Director Ridley Scott’s 1979 science fiction epic...
TenCate Advanced Armour

Suits of Armour

Helicopter armour that protects aircrew members and passengers from small arms fire is a proven requirement driven by recent, and ongoing, conflicts in the...

Guardrail Goodbye

At fifty years old, the US Army’s Guardrail series of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) aircraft are looking at a well-deserved retirement. The Guardrail concept employed a...

AESA Radar – Required Not Desired

For some years now, whether or not a fighter has an AESA radar has been a key discriminator, but the technology is increasingly being...
The Royal Navy will receive the ‘Type 26’ class

Heavy Metal

Around the world, navies are procuring multi-purpose and flexible frigates and destroyers with new generation sensors and weapons capable of accomplishing a wide-range of...
Bell's V-280 Valor

FLRAA and FARA – Procurement With a Difference

The US Army is on track to ensure that the two platforms that emerge from the Future Vertical Lift concept - FLRAA and FARA...
Arctic warfare capabilities

It’s Cold Outside

As attention continues to focus on current special forces operations in the Middle East to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS),...
Typhoon Captor E

Airborne AESA Fighter Radars

AESA radars are generally considered to be the most innovative and technologically-advanced type of tactical radar system and have become almost a necessity for...

Future Trends to Watch

A number of trends are influencing the development of future combat vehicles. They will also shape efforts to upgrade existing vehicle fleets in order...

Highlight of the Month