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Spectrum Battle Management

The US Army’s Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) should reach full operational capability by 2025.  The EWPMT heralds a step change in...

Thinking Together

The advent of the US Army’s TITAN command and control tool has positive implications for electromagnetic manoeuvre. On 19th January the US Army selected...

Supporting Actors

The US Army is overhauling the electronic warfare assets supporting its Brigade Combat Teams. What new systems is it receiving, and when might these...

Jamming Backpacks

The US Army could receive backpack-based electronic warfare/cyber attack systems in the coming years. The Check the Manual article in the September edition of Armada’s...

Cool Tools

Raytheon has told Armada Analysis that it is working on the so-called Capability Drop-3 (CD3) incarnation of the US Army’s Electronic Warfare Planning and...

Highlight of the Month