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Tag: Flexnet

Bertin Exensor signs a major Frame Agreement with Germany worth over 20 million euros

On June 6th, 2023, Bertin Exensor signed a 4-year Frame Agreement with BAAIN worth more than 20 million euros, for the supply of the...

Exensor – Flexnet Wireless Surveillance Platform

The Flexnet solution, developed by Exensor, is a user friendly, flexible, comprehensive surveillance solution combining a wide range of sensors (Passive infrared, Seismic and...

Optronic technology and Unattended Ground Sensors system: A successful collaboration between Bertin and Exensor

Headquartered in Lund, Sweden, Exensor Technology is a world leading supplier of networked and tailored Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) Systems named Flexnet, especially dedicated...

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