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Tag: Russian military


Russia Debuts UGV Mounted Mortar

Having the ability to rapidly displace after firing has been firmly established as an essential requirement for indirect fire weapons if they are going...
1L222M Avtobaza-M

Iran’s Avtobazas

Last month, Armada published an article about what maybe an Iranian version of Russia’s 1RL257E Krasukha-4 ground-based Electronic Warfare (EW) system. Information has since...
Global Counterspace Capabilities

Competition in the Cosmos

A recent report on global counterspace capabilities details space electronic warfare efforts ongoing around the world. The publication of the Secure World Foundation’s (SWF) annual...
Location Tracking on the Battlefield

Blowin’ up my phone

A new report highlights the challenges of tracking cellphones on the battlefield using the ongoing war in Ukraine as a case study. Arguably the first...
Combat-34 Handheld Radio

Old Wine in New Bottles?

Russia may have deployed a new domestically produced handheld radio into Ukraine. Is it likely to help alleviate some of the Russian land forces’...
Doodle Labs Helix Mesh Rider Radio

July Radio Roundup

Doodle’s new kit and caboodle Doodle Labs has announced it is planning to cooperate with companies supplying Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Ukrainian forces. The...
Russian Army Torn-MDM Electronic Warfare System

Western Bits in Russian Kit

Russian electronic warfare systems are relying on Western components according to a report from a London think tank. Silicon Lifeline makes for sobering reading....

IISS Launches Military Balance 2022

On 15 February, The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) launched the 2022 edition of The Military Balance, in a year that is characterised...

From Russia with Hertz

We catch up with Jonas Kjellén, an analyst at Sweden’s FOI defence research institute and an expert on the Russian military, to hear his...

ROE: supply package of Russian military for land forces makes 25 bln dollars

Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostec State Corporation) notes an unfailing interest in the Russian military products for land forces and the increase in orders...

Highlight of the Month