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Tag: Smith & Wesson


Smith & Wesson and Gemtech: New Innovation with the M&P4 Rifle and Abyss Suppressor

Smith & Wesson and Gemtech have recently unveiled two groundbreaking products that are set to make waves in the firearm and suppressor markets. The...

Smith & Wesson: Supporting the World’s Military and Law Enforcement Community Since 1852

Smith & Wesson is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and designers of rugged firearms. We produce a wide array of duty handguns, long...
Smith & Wesson’s M&P12 pump shotgun is both compact and is compatible with 3 inch, 2¾ inch and mini-shells making it extremely adaptable. It has a capacity of up to 15 rounds with seven in each of its twin tube magazines plus one in the chamber. (Smith & Wesson)

Winning the CBQ

The close quarter battle (CQB) requires weapons that can be brought quickly onto a target, not to mention sights that allow quick and accurate...

Highlight of the Month