Future Armoured Vehicles Active Protection Systems USA
02junAll Day03Future Armoured Vehicles Active Protection Systems USA
Event Details
As armed forces continue to prioritise dealing with near-peer adversaries, and with passive protection measures reaching their physical limit, integrating advanced vehicle protection systems, and particularly active protection systems (APS),
Event Details
As armed forces continue to prioritise dealing with near-peer adversaries, and with passive protection measures reaching their physical limit, integrating advanced vehicle protection systems, and particularly active protection systems (APS), as a means of improving survivability signatures continues to grow in importance.
These systems can intercept ballistic weaponry through kinetic methods (Hard-Kill) or by interfering with warhead guidance and tracking systems (Soft-Kill). As the scope of APS and its potential continues to grow, armed forces around the world increasingly pursue the development and application of an integrated, modular mission system, in which best-of-field components can be introduced and selected to meet specific requirements.
As the only conference of its kind, Future Armored Vehicles Protection Systems USA, will provide unique briefings on the development and integration of Active Protection Systems, as well as the wider vehicle protection suites employed by armed forces around the world. These briefings will include insight into Modular Systems and architecture, Hard-Kill and Soft-Kill technology, layered approaches to survivability and battle proven systems.
june 2 (Thursday) - 3 (Friday)(GMT-11:00)
Hilton Arlington
950 North Stafford Street, Arlington, Virginia, USA