Guardrail Goodbye

At fifty years old, the US Army’s Guardrail series of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) aircraft are looking at a well-deserved retirement. The Guardrail concept employed a...
RCH 155

RCH 155 Boxer Howitzer for German and British Armies

A joint announcement this past week was made by the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Germany’s Chancellor Scholz of the collaboration by...

Beam Scheme

Specialist and general media were abuzz in early September with the news that the Royal Air Force’s Typhoon fleet will receive a new AESA...

Russia’s S-500 Prometheus SAM nears service entry

Russia’s existing in-service ‘double digit’ Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs), the S-300 (known as the SA-10, -12 and -20 to NATO) and the S-400...

Sweden and Finland to Field Common Infantry Rifles

Defence officials of the Swedish and Finish militaries have agreed to field the same individual weapons for use by their soldiers. Under the agreement...

Lightning Reflexes

Enhancements to the F-35’s electronic warfare systems will focus on software, firmware and hardware should be completed by 2024. The contract won in August by...

LORAN Runs Again

The LORAN (Long Range Navigation) radio navigation system is enjoying a new lease of life with E-LORAN promising improvements in accuracy and resistance to...

We need to talk about Pantsir

How has electronic warfare made Russia's Pantsir air defence system so vulnerable? KBP’s Pantsir (NATO reporting name SA-22 Greyhound) series short-range air defence system was...

Electronic Warfare for RAF Wedgetails

Leonardo plans to certify electronic warfare equipment for the Royal Air Force’s (RAF) new E-7 Wedgetail AEW.1 airborne early warning aircraft by 2022. Defensive...
Nora - Yugo Imports at Yuma Proving Grounds.

Wheeled Self-propelled Artillery at AUSA

The US Army’s active interest and potential requirements for artillery capability compatible with the Stryker’s manoeuvre saw truck mounted howitzers well represented at the...

Highlight of the Month